Stone and Gravel Pool Landscaping Ideas

#stoneandgravelaroundpool #poollandscaping

When the weather warms up, folks here in Carroll County begin to think about how to enhance their landscaping around pools. Westminster Lawn Service has many products that can be used in these projects.
This post focuses on stone and gravel around pool landscaping.
River Jacks

River Jacks are smooth rounded stones that are easy on bare feet. A beautiful colored stone in tones of grey, tan, and burgundy that blends well with many landscaping themes, River Jacks are a most popular option for landscaping around pools.

2” Brown Landscape Stone

Another decorative option for smooth stone around pools is the 1” or 2” Brown Landscape Stone, which is barefoot friendly, as well. Creamy tan colored, this stone is a popular choice.

Pure Red Landscape Stone

Pure Red Landscape Stone is a great choice if it is in an area that bare feet won’t need to cross. The brick red color looks great in landscaping themes which feature red tones or compliments the reddish color.


White/Grey Stone; What NOT to use around above ground pools:

white gray stone-carroll-md

Commonly used in driveways, this stone is limestone, so it will corrode the metal liner around an above ground pool. Further, it is not barefoot friendly. Either River Jacks, Brown Landscape Stone, or Pure Red Landscape Stone is a necessity for around an above ground pool.
We at Westminster Lawn Landscape Supply Yards have the solution for your pool landscaping projects.